The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better to Have Loved and Lost

“It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
- Alfred Lord Tennyson

This is a powerful quote full of truth, yet so bittersweet, and easy to overlook and underappreciate when one has not truly experienced loss.  I have written about the pain and sadness, which I have experienced over what had seemed to be true love, yet this does not compare to the suffering endured when a lover departs this world.  Loss is then, no longer about companions growing apart or one deciding that it is time to move on.  It is a forced separation of individuals very much in love, with their lives planned out, looking forward to growing old together.  Yet, for some unknown reason, this opportunity is denied.  Dreams are crushed.  The physical bond is broken. 

At least with the average break-up, one can eventually let go and take comfort in the fact that their former lover is happier now in a better place.  I suppose, this can still be said of death, as it eases the suffering of the one in pain, but it doesn’t seem the same to me. 

I read of and try to imagine what it could possibly be like to endure such anguish, but I have no real frame of reference.  I feel silly and selfish for permitting the mourning my own loss to consume me, when my former love is still alive and able to make a life for himself, as he desires.  I should not allow myself to experience my losses and defeats as if they are the end of my world, as there are nearly always worse alternatives, which I would be unable to comprehend.


  1. I definitely feel that the Tennyson quote is full of truth, even though many people do not agree. I think that the pain associated with a breakup, along with the fact that the pain can last a very long time, leads some people to believe that they would have been better off never experiencing the love that led to it. But I think we grow and learn through love and through heartbreak. I look at it like this: each and every relationship and subsequent heartbreak is merely leading up to that magical moment when we meet our soul mate.

  2. I would agree. Everything in life can be a lesson; it's just a matter of recognizing it as such.

    And a follow-up quote that I love:

    Love hurts...
    But sometimes it's a good hurt
    And it feels like I'm alive.


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