The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Friday, March 16, 2012

What Will You Do When You Can’t Dance Anymore?

What will you do when you can’t dance anymore?  This was the question posed by director Zach in “A Chorus Line.”  What would the dancers do when no longer able to pursue and live their dream?

Diana admits to not feeling like she’s getting anywhere by landing small roles in shows, but when she shares these experiences with others, they are floored.  They find it incredible that she’s been living her dream, working her way to where she wants to be.

Shelia comments that she too felt that way once, and had a timeline set for herself.  Achieving her goal in “just a few more years” ushered her on, but now, at thirty, she’s become disillusioned and wonders how much longer she has to wait for her time to come, her big break.

Is it realistic to be chasing a dream when it seems near impossible to achieve it, when it keeps eluding you?  How do you determine when it’s time to choose another path and move on?  Is it really because it’s impossible?  Or is it because it’s a challenging path that requires more time and greater dedication, as there is no standard time line for a less traditional route? 

Am I being realistic or am I just being naïve, believing that a dream come true would certainly happen for me?


  1. It's quite interesting reading this post and at this time in my life. I, too, am feeling and experiencing the same as what Shelia and Diana is feeling. I have come all this way within this business that I am running and for what? I have yet to see anything promising. I am always catching myself thinking of the "what if?" scenarios. Those thoughts can act as a boost of motivation but they can also pose as a downer and potentially cause you to quit prematurely. Making that type of a decision and when you are, perhaps, not thinking with your entire mind then things will probably end horribly. And no one wants that.

    1. Yes, it is challenging to gauge how far along one should be in a pursuit, and you are right to say that one must consider the entire picture free of negativity, in order to do so. You do have a time frame to work with as well. Keep in mind that it takes five to ten years for the average music promoter to make a name for himself/herself and begin being successful. Keep plugging along and relish the fact that you are already living your dream!


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