The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


So, I’ve been M.I.A. for several days now, but I assure you that I haven’t purposely been avoiding blogging.

Upon returning home on Sunday night, all I could think of was getting upstairs to bed.  However, sleep evaded me, as I struggled through the night with a persistent fever and chills.  I awoke early the next morning, as my illness had come on too quickly for me to find coverage for my opening shift, feeling unrested, still feverish, and an intense pain pushing from behind my eyes and up into my head.  I took a couple of ibuprofen and laboriously chewed on an orange with my head barely raised from the table top. 

Somehow, I made it to work in this condition unscathed, and it reminded me of my drive to work in Northampton under similar circumstances several years ago.  Now, I survived over three hours shuffling about, struggling to be at the top of my game, wherever that top was.  Fortunately, a co-worker arrived early, relieving me from the remainder of my shift.  After that, I spent the next two days practically bedridden, with the exception of the visit to the doctor for my flu diagnosis, to which my dad graciously drove me.

I do recognize that I was fortunate enough to fall ill now at home, rather than when I am out of state next week, yet the timing was still less than ideal.  I felt unable to do anything, not even to think or move; never mind, organize myself for my travels.  I couldn’t even feel sorry for my miserable condition, as my primary desire was to just curl up and die.

On the first day, I had no appetite and on the second day, I was so hungry, but everything that I tried to eat tasted repulsive.  This frustrated me to no end, as I am quite fond of food.

On Wednesday, my senses and taste buds returned, signaling the final stretch of my illness and the light of recuperation.  With this new found vigor, I set myself on a cleaning spree, washing every bit of bedding and clothing that I had used and disinfecting any surface in the house that I may have touched.  I didn’t want anyone else to endure the same awful experience as I did.

I probably overdid it, still not being quite up to par and feeling rather loopy, as I rebuild my strength and fight off lingering flu symptoms.

Yet, I will try my best to keep up on my posts while I continue to recover!

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