The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Understanding the Inner Self

I spent the past couple of days in self-reflection, trying to identify the unhealthy patterns in my life, so that I may address and remedy them.  For this, I utilized the following exercise from Starhawk's The Earth Path.  I highly recommend this book, not only as an aid to better understand the inner workings of oneself, but also to assist in reconnecting with nature, during a time in which we have distanced ourselves so much from it.  Happy soul searching!
Inner Pattern Observation
Starhawk: The Earth Path

The magic circle of the elements can help us look for our own internal patterns.  You can work with the questions below in several different ways.  Alone, you can meditate on them, write in your journal about them, or take each for a period of days or a week to reflect upon and keep notes on.

With a friend, partner, or in a healing or mentoring relationship, you could share with each other your reflections and give each other feedback and insights.

In a group or circle with a high degree of intimacy or trust, you could go around the circle, giving each person time to respond to each question without being interrupted or challenged.  At the end, you could discuss what is similar or different about your conclusions.  In group work, I would suggest taking one element each session, and devoting five or six sessions to this work.

Are there patterns you can identify in your thoughts?  Particular phrases or words you say to yourself again and again, or snatches of inner dialogue that repeat?  Names you call yourself?  Images you hold?  Fantasies?

How do these affect your perception of yourself?  Others?  How do they impact your energy?  Emotions?  Body?  Spirit?  The choices you make?  The possibilities you see around you?  How do these patterns restrict or harm you?  How do they serve you?  What do they do?

Are there patterns you can identify around your energy level and how you use your energies?  Cycles or repeating ebbs and flows?  Ways you dissipate or squander energy?  Patterns of eating or drinking or sleeping?  Repetitive ways you build up energy or stoke your fires?

How do these affect your perception of yourself?  Others?  How do they impact your energy?  Emotions?  Body?  Spirit?  The choices you make?  The possibilities you see around you?  How do these patterns restrict or harm you?  How do they serve you?  What do they do?

Are there emotional patterns that you can identify?  Cycles of feeling?  Patterns in love, patterns in relationships?  Patterns in the way you respond to fear?  Hope?  Anger?  Attack?  Loss?

How do these affect your perception of yourself?  Others?  How do they impact your energy?  Emotions?  Body?  Spirit?  The choices you make?  The possibilities you see around you?  How do these patterns restrict or harm you?  How do they serve you?  What do they do?

Are there physical patterns you can identify?  Patterns in your health, fitness, muscle tone, and flexibility?  Do you get sick in response to other patterns?  Cyclically?

Are there patterns you follow around money or other material resources?  Around providing for yourself and others?  Around shopping or spending?

Do you notice patterns around your ability to set boundaries, or your encounters with others’ boundaries?

How do these affect your perception of yourself?  Others?  How do they impact your energy?  Emotions?  Body?  Spirit?  The choices you make?  The possibilities you see around you?  How do these patterns restrict or harm you?  How do they serve you?  What do they do?

Are there spiritual patterns that you can identify?  Patterns around consciousness-change, intoxication?  Addictions?  Patterns in communication and connection with others?

How do these affect your perception of yourself?  Others?  How do they impact your energy?  Emotions?  Body?  Spirit?  The choices you make?  The possibilities you see around you?  How do these patterns restrict or harm you?  How do they serve you?  What do they do?

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