The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Down for the Count

Within the first week, I’ve managed to injure myself on the job.  I’m uncertain if I somehow twisted my knee in stumbling about on the uneven marsh turf or if I overextended my leg in my many attempts to heave myself over tall grass tussocks from my sinking spot in the marsh.  Either way, I was in pain by the end of the survey on Friday.  Since then, I have taken every other day off, hoping that would be sufficient time for my knee to recuperate.  I have also been utilizing a walking stick and brace for extra support to minimize the strain. 

On Tuesday, we began another phase of the project, counting the singing male Aquatic Warblers at dusk, which made for a longer day in combination with our nest searching efforts.  Early on, especially as I hiked over the tangled tussocks, I could tell that my knee would not fair any better that day.  By the end, I could not even feel exhaustion from the strenuous work or hunger, being well past dinnertime; there was only pain.  It was then that I determined to seek medical help, as I would only jeopardize my health and the quality of my data if I continued in this way.

I was accompanied by a staff member to the doctor’s office the next day, and was instructed to not work for at least three days and was prescribed anti-inflammation cream and pain medication.  So far my knee doesn’t feel much improved, although it may take more time after I pushed it to its limit the other day.  It’s uncomfortable to keep it still and straight or to bend it too much or rotate it.  However, it does feel infinitely better to just walk on solid ground.  I sincerely hope that I will heal within a reasonable amount of time, so that I can get back to work!

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