The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Monday, May 21, 2012


17 May 2012
Following the intensive trek on Thursday to the site furthest from the road, the journey to the final survey site had to be a cake walk.  While there was still a significant distance to cover, it was far more manageable, of which I was greatly appreciative, commencing the theme for the day.  We marked plot corners with posts and recorded vegetation measurements, as we picked our way through the marshland.  However, the area was fraught with ditches, in which little vegetation grew and the water table extended far below the surface, so that dark, watery abyss patiently awaited its next unsuspecting victim.  This so happened to be me, as I attempted to create a different path across one ditch, since I did not believe that I could match the gait of my companions.  Yet, the distance was still too far, and I either slipped off of the little island of tufted grasses or completely missed my mark.  I quickly began sliding into the abyss, but as water inched above the tops of my waders, the hand of our guide firmly seized my arm and heaved me out, bringing me safely “ashore.”  I took some time to dump the water from my waders, which had filled to the brim, and straighten my drenched socks before continuing on.  I was certainly beginning to recognize the importance of a walking stick for the sake of my safety.

Needless to say, this incident helped me to more fully appreciate the certainty and security of firm, dry land, as we crossed an island of woodland on our journey back towards our vehicles.  As we exited the island, the sun was beginning to set, casting radiant red shadows across the clustered clouds.  Gradually, it peeped out from its hiding place behind the great white puffs to brighten the landscape one final time with its blinding light.  It isn’t very often that one has the opportunity to see a sunset like this, as each one is quite unique.  One co-worker also brought up the fact that few people are privileged enough to work with nature in the way that we are, to be contributing to a project for the greater good of wildlife, and to both live and work in a world-renown national park; yet something else to appreciate.

On the drive back from the site, down the deeply grooved dirt road, wrought large, muddy puddles, the car had enough of this abuse and stalled at the intersection to the main road.  Fortunately, our guide was not far ahead and rang the organization’s auto specialist to assess the situation.  We were perfectly content to wait with our thermos of hot coffee, which was a welcome relief from the cold marsh water.  With a bit of time for the car to dry out and a pull onto the road, it burst back to life, just in time for us to observe a mother fox with her kits crossing the road a ways ahead.  It was supposed that the car was meant to stall, so that we would not miss this beautiful moment in nature’s nightlife.  So much to appreciate!

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