The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting Comfortable at Home

My to-do list is getting shorter, particularly as I’ve finished up my two major projects: report for the marine station and applying to internships for this year.  Now, I find myself with more time and fewer excuses to remain predominantly unemployed for the duration of my time here.  Upon leaving for my internship in Ireland last spring, I was hopeful that I would not be going back to working in unfulfilling, dead-end jobs anytime soon.  However, due to the path that I seek to follow, or perhaps, to create for myself, such jobs may be quite unavoidable, as this path is not really profitable.

The longer I remain here, in my comfort zone of home, the harder it becomes to take on new challenges that arise.  For nearly a decade, I have relied upon the same car for transportation and never really had to figure out the public transportation system or depend upon others to get me where I need to go.  So it becomes a matter of not just finding a job, but finding a job that I can access, which fits with bus schedules and routes.  Other people do this all the time, as the bus is their primary source of transportation.  I should be no different.  I need to just strike out and do this.

In other news, I was fortunate enough to have few corrections to make on my report and will be sending it off shortly, probably to have it sent back to me for changes at some later date.  And so begins the extensive editing process.  I have heard professors talk before about all of the back and forth among the author, peers, and editors, tearing a report to shreds, which can take at least a year before it’s ever published.  I doubt mine will be any different.

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