The purpose of my blog is to share my life lessons and travel experiences that may encourage others to follow their dreams, relate to those who have encountered similar situations, and provide a means for individuals to live vicariously through my adventures!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Generational Destruction

Every history of the "civilized" settlement of the New World, epitomizes the efforts of those first pioneers, how they tamed the land, conquered the wild beasts and the native people, and implemented modern "progress" in the face of adversity.  It was quite an achievement to set off into the unknown and successfully make a living for oneself.  Yet, settlers seemed to have seen the land, not for what it is, but for what it could be; sizing up its potential, its worth.  They shaped it into the places and the lives that they left behind, even though they were trying to get away from it all and start something new with the thought that, somehow, this would be different.  And so, the preexisting life and the processes that had worked well for millions of years were thoughtlessly disrupted and ravaged.  The settlers quickly began to take their surroundings for granted; only taking and never returning, paying back, or appreciating the gifts available to them. 

Today, we continue with this trend, initially marveling at the land’s natural beauty until our thoughts quickly turn to what we can get out of it, how we can benefit.  We continue to ravage natural resources, alter landscapes, never really considering the big picture, the long-term and large scale damaging effects.  Areas boast natural beauty to attract tourists, while simultaneously destroying it to support another economic facet, in order to double their profits.

We have little time to stop and take notice of our environment, to observe the changes that we have created.  Without this time to reflect, the alterations to our landscape seem so gradual in the grand scheme of our time.  We quickly become accustomed to that garden where an old-growth forest once stood, or the little shopping plaza that continues its expansion over former farmland.  These become the norm, as if the landscape never looked any differently.  This makes it easier for us to justify continuing development because it seems that our impact won’t be that much compared to what it is already, but compared to what the environment was decades ago, the consequences are huge.

In the midst of this, we keep seeking out natural beauty to get away from the grotesque urban sprawl, only to bring it with us, as we clear the land to build our lakeside mansions, followed by roads for easier access, and then stores, so that we never have to leave our bubble of a world.  Once there, we complain about the wildlife and their interference with our lives, our quiet and peace of mind.

Occasionally, we lament how the future generations will not see the land as we once saw it or as it once was, yet we continue the mutilation.

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